The explosion of online shopping over the past decade has significantly improved the quality of life for many. Not to mention, ecommerce was a major life saver during the peak of the pandemic. While this trend has made life more convenient, it has also produced an unforeseen issue in high rise buildings throughout New York: a never-ending stream of packages. This dilemma will presumably worsen as time progresses and people become more comfortable with ordering online. The pandemic has already accelerated the migration to online shopping. In fact, ecommerce sales were up 44% in 2020 compared to 2019.

1441 Third Avenue
One of the biggest pain points that we address for our clients is non-existent or limited lobby package storage. Many times, buildings are left with no choice but to store their packages in the lobby for everyone to see. Not only does this cause an eye sore but it can also lead to package theft. Likewise, if there is no cold storage, some deliveries such as medications or groceries may perish.
Over the years, the ALine design team has worked with numerous clients on expanding and/or adding lobby package storage including several with refrigeration. We commonly develop hidden package closets by blending the doors into the new design color palette. We are able to create a variety of colors and looks based on the aesthetic that your building desires. Additionally, we specify adjustable shelving that can be rearranged or removed altogether so that a variety of package sizes can be accommodated. No matter the size or layout, we can create a storage solution to address your building’s exact needs.

235 East 87th Street

207 East 57th Street

75 Henry Street

Wall Street Condo

Birchwood Towers – Toledo